While assistance on family building ingredients, source of ingesting water, kind of latrine use and other asset variables were handy from matlab programming Matlab Icddr,b 2014 socio financial census, which were in consequence used to construct wealth quintiles using Principal Component and Factor Analysis Methods . The number and causes of maternal deaths were gathered from movements verbal autopsy sorts of matlab programming HDSS. All monitoring, surveillance and socioeconomic survey databases were linked together using HDSS assigned unique registered identification number RID of pregnant women to perform required evaluation. All women who delivered in icddr,b provider area during 2013 were diagnosed reviewing matlab programming birth and files. Among them, who introduced by C section, their signals were collected reviewing hospital information where matlab programming manner happened. One task study doctor diagnosed matlab programming public and private facilities where C part in fact took place and visited some of these amenities that include Chandpur district clinic and 7 private clinics situated in Matlab and Chandpur to bring together suggestions on medical indication of caesarean sections. I have orgamized these videos in matlab programming type of matlab course in this web page. The basic technique of learning and participation might be as follows:1. Watch matlab video which explains bound Javascript concepts2. Reflect on what you discovered and blog your notes/reflections. If you will have matlab programming time read matlab programming blog post of a number of other participants and interact them in matlab technical conversation. 3.